July 12th: Lunch at D’Bronx Deli in Kansas City

The Great American Deli Schlep
3 min readJul 26, 2021

By: Steve Goode

Edited By: Judi Goode

Arnie Gingsberg, Terry Pope, myself, Judy Dubrov and Bruce Ente ouside of D’Bronx Deli

July 12th- Riding to D’Bronx for lunch

I arrived a few minutes early and met Bruce Ente, from Cleveland, right on time. He had already planned a trip to some of the western states and so he was going to join me on my shlep to four delis ending in Utah. We were told that D’Bronx was still under a Covid order and could only serve meals outside. The weather was great so we were able to enjoy eating outside. Again, it ended up being a quiet lunch with Bruce Ente and Judy Dubrov (one of the former owners of D’Bronx). Judy was able to give us a history of the restaurant. Her brother-in-law opened the deli 30 years ago. The entire family joins in to help so it has become truly a family affair.

After a wonderful lunch, Bruce and I took off for Denver, CO traveling on the back roads. We ended up staying in Clay Center, KS., in a small ‘Mom & Pop’ motel. The best part of our stay was the Mexican restaurant, only 50 feet away from the hotel, that served killer Margaritas.

My list of places that I could never live in appears to be growing. I can’t live in humid areas; I can’t live in rural areas; and I can’t live in small towns. Going thru Kansas, although beautiful in its own way, confirmed to me that there is NO WAY I could live in any of the small towns that we are passing though, on this trip. Neither Bruce nor I could fathom being 40–50 miles from any sort of culture or ‘civilization’, but I guess it works for those that live there.

First sip of a killer margarita next to our motel

